How To Use The Work Planner

Familiarise yourself with the following “How To” Help sections, if you have not already done so:

      How To Create an Action

      How To Use Master Actions

Identify and select Actions for use in the Work Planner:

      Make a View of Actions, which can include:

      Standalone Actions

      Master Actions

      Set the Organisation Unit, Start and Finish Dates for all Actions to be displayed

Alternatively, Use a Master Action:

      Set the Organisation Unit, Start and Finish Dates for the Master Action

      Set the Organisation Unit, Start and Finish Dates for the Sub-Actions

Launch the Work Planner in a new Browser Tab, by clicking the ‘Work Planner’ Task, available from:

      An Actions View List, which can include Master Actions and their Sub-Actions, as well as standalone Actions

      A Master Action open in the Action Form

      A Master Action in any List of Actions

      A Master Action in the Favourites or Recently Viewed items