Post Transactions

Posting transactions allows the user to retrieve an export file which contains a collection of transactions on selected assets, which can then be used to load this data on a financial system.

Step 1.   Open the Post Transactions Form for a fail-safe method of creating and posting journal files of transactions to a Financial system, external to Conquest.

Step 2.   Enter a suitable description for the financial data to be Posted

Step 3.   Change the Date (run date), only if there is a need to do so

Step 4.   Use the Opening and Closing Transaction Date fields to define a range of days, from which the transactions will be extracted

Step 5.   Select an Existing Filter or create a new one, to define the asset criteria by which un-posted transactions will be identified and retrieved. See How To Use The Filter Builder for details

Step 6.   Select up to 4 database columns to summarise the transactions by, to suit the Financial system

Step 7.   Select the transaction types required by the Financial System

Step 8.   Click the Preview Task the check the resulting transactions summary

Step 9.   Click the Post Task then close the Form and transfer the CSV file to the Finance Department

Step 10. On confirmation from the Finance Department, open the Post Transactions Form then click the Postings Task

Step 11. Select the appropriate Posting from the list

Step 12. If the Finance Department has approved the Posting, click the Accept Task

Step 13. If the Finance Department has rejected the Posting, click the Clear Task

Step 14. Close the Posting Forms

Things to be aware of:

When a transaction is first entered into Conquest it is considered to have not been Posted, i.e. an entry for the transaction doesn’t exist in the financial system.

Posting allows all transactions that haven’t been Posted to be summarized, based on a user defined aggregation, then output to a CSV file.

Once a transaction Posting file has been created, the source Asset transactions are put into an interim, Posted state, and cannot be Rolled Back or Reversed unless the Posting is Cleared.