Database Upgrade

To create or upgrade a Conquest database, SQL scripts are available for download through the Conquest Management Console.

Step 1.   Start the Management Console

Step 2.   Click on View Products

Step 3.   Change the dropdown menu to Other

Step 4.   Select the appropriated database version

Step 5.   Click on Download and Open

Step 6.   Run the desired script on the database.
Note: For every database version there are a Create Database script and one or more Upgrade Database ones, to be used accordingly:

a.  Use the Create Database script on an empty database to create all default tables and views

b.  Use the Upgrade Database script on an existing Conquest database

Step 7.   If upgrading the database, this procedure may need to be repeated for each incremented version

Step 8.   Proceed to the Refresh System Objects routine

Things to be aware of:

It is recommended to always back up the database before executing the scripts, since there is no option to rollback the database upgrade.