How To Use The Report Manager Editor

Use the Report Manager Editor to:

      Create a new Category with the New > Report Category Task

      Click on a Report within any Category, including Uncategorised, to view and edit its properties

      Update it with a later version from Conquest Software, if one is available, or roll it back to an earlier version, if so desired

      Move it from one Category to another

      Edit its Title

      Set its Type:

      ‘Normal’, to be run from the Navigation window, Reports section

      ‘Action Work Order’, available to Actions, when Issuing a Work Order

      ‘Asset’ in the Reports Task on a selected Asset

      ‘Action’ in the Reports Task on a selected Action

      ‘Request’ in the Reports Task on a selected Request

      ‘Request Form’ in the Request Report Task on a selected Request and is also the Report that is attached to a Request E-mail

      ‘Defect’ in the Reports Task on a selected Defect

      Allow it to have a filter applied, when it is Previewed

      Create or Modify the content and layout of Reports. See How To Work With Reports in Reporting Services and The Report Manager

      Create a new Report

      Download a Report Definition for revision in the Reporting Services, Report Builder

      Upload a revised Report Definition from Reporting Services

To Save from the Report Manager Editor…:

      Click the Save Task of the Report Manager Editor to save all changes to the Report configuration (Name, Type etc) and to put the report in the selected category.

      Use the Report Manager advanced Tasks:

      New Report

      Download Definition

      Upload Definition

See How To Work With Reports in Reporting Services and The Report Manager for more details.

To run a Report from the Reports section see How To Run Reports.

Here’s how Conquest Reports work:

      Select a Report from the Report Navigator

      Select a Filter, if there is one

      Select the Preview Task

      Conquest 3 will:

      Get the XML that defines the Report from tblReportDefintion.ReportXML, which includes the data retrieval SQL statement

      If the Report has a Filter, get its SQL clauses and add them to the data retrieval SQL statement in the XML

      Output the XML to a .RDL file for SQL Server Reporting Services to process

      Activate the Report by contructing an address (URL) in SQL Server Reporting Services, to process the Report

      Display the Report Output in a new Web Browser tab (not as a tab within Conquest 3), which can be browsed, printed or saved in a variety of formats