How To Retire An Asset

To set the Status of a non-valued Asset and all of its descendants to Disposed:

Step 1.   Select the Asset to be Retired

Step 2.   Click the Retire Asset Task

Step 3.   In the Asset Retirement Details Form:

      Enter the Retirement Reason

      Select the Retirement Date

      If the Retirement is managed by someone else, change Retired By to that person’s Username

Step 4.   Click the Retire button

Things to be aware of:

Retirement performed on an Asset is applied to its descendants.

A Valuation Asset cannot be Retired. Instead it must have a Disposal Action, Completed on it. See Disposals and Partial Disposals.

An Asset cannot be Retired if it has:

      A Valued descendant that has not been Disposed of

      Uncompleted Actions associated with it, or any of its descendants