How To Add an Asset

Step 1.   With the ‘New > Asset’ Task, open the ‘New Asset’ dialog form, which is available from the following:

      The Asset Explorer. See Asset Explorer for details

      A Standard List of Assets. See How To Use a Standard List for details

      An Asset in the Favourites List. See The Favourites List for details

      An Asset in the Recently Viewed List. See The Recently Viewed List for details

Or by:

      Right-clicking on the Asset to be the parent of the new Asset and select from the pop-list of Tasks, or…

      Clicking on the Asset to be the parent of the new Asset, to open it in the Asset form, and select from the Tasks window

Step 2.   If the new Asset is a “placeholder”, click the ‘Existing Asset’ button and create it.

Step 3.   Otherwise, use the Asset Type Hierarchy Selector to select an Asset Type

Step 4.   For Existing Assets click the ‘Existing Asset’ button

      For Proposed Assets:

      Select an Asset Type with the ‘Valuation Item’ checkbox ticked, which will enable the ‘Proposed Asset’ button unless there is already a Valued Asset in the branch of the hierarchy, where you want to put the new Asset. See How To Manage Financial Data for more details on Valuation Assets

      For both Existing and Proposed:

      The selected Asset Type can be a ‘Valuation Item’ as long as there is not already a Valued Asset above it in the branch of the Asset Hierarchy. See How To Manage Financial Data for more details on Valuation Assets

      Click either of the Proposed or Existing buttons, as it suits your new Asset

Step 5.   Give the Asset a description

Step 6.   Select from lists such as Function and Location then enter in the various sections of the Asset Form as required.  For details see Assets and How To Add An Asset Type.

Step 7.   When you are satisfied with the Asset, click the ‘Save’ Task

Things to be aware of:

For information on creating new Assets see The Conquest Definition of Assets

There can be significant differences in the configuration of Asset Types, between Valued and Non-valued Assets. For more details see How To Manage Financial Data