History of Changes

The following sections describe improvements to functionality, performance and stability over the life of Conquest Mobile Tablet PC.

4.0023 - June 28th, 2018


      The Management Console, latest version

      The Conquest Mobile Web Service version 2.0703, installed or updated from the Management Console

      The Conquest database version 3.2 and later

Functional, Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Location, Estimated Quantity and Actual Quantity were not being uploaded to Conquest, fixed

      Actual Cost is now retaining the Dollars and Cents format, after Upload to Conquest

      Download performance has been improved

4.0022 - June 18th, 2018


      The Management Console, latest version

      The Conquest Mobile Web Service version 2.0702, installed or updated from the Management Console

      The Conquest III database version 3.2 and later

Functional, Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Actions that were created in CMTPC as “yet to be Completed” then uploaded to Conquest, when downloaded for further inspection and Completed in CMTPC, were not always retaining their Completed state in Conquest, after being uploaded. This has been fixed.

4.0021 - December 20th, 2017


      The Management Console, latest version

      The Conquest Mobile Web Service version 2.0701, installed from the Management Console. If you have version 2.0700, use the Management Console to Update it

      The Conquest III database version 3.2 and later

Functional, Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      The Administrator Form now checks, when you select the Conquest database, that its version is 3.2, to suit CMTPC 4.0021

      The column length for the Option label shown in System Options has been increased to 512, to match Conquest III

      The ‘Percentage Distribution’ method of calculating Condition, has been included in this release

      New Actions from CMTPC now have ‘Created By’ set to the Windows Username of the logged in User, not the SQL Server login name

      The ‘Completed By’ data for a Completed Action is now the ‘Inspector’ value from Settings, not the Windows Username

      When an Asset Inspection is created, a Defect and Action can be created for it and can now be related to a Request

      The Download function now checks, when you select the Conquest database, that the database version is 3.2, to suit CMTPC 4.0021

      The Upload function was not checking to see that the Upload had not already been performed. It does so now

      For Inspection Programs that are being reused, data is uploaded once only for the Inspection that changes were made in

      When an Action has the ‘Complete’ field ticked, the Defect and Action Forms are closed, when the Completion Form closes

      Actions Completed in CMTPC now Upload as Completed

4.0020 - June 6th, 2017


      The Management Console, latest version

      The Conquest Mobile Web Service version 2.0700, installed from the Management Console

      The Conquest III database version 3.0.0 and later

Functional, Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      A New CMTPC Administrator Logger Checkbox to turn Logging on

      An Option to Hide the 'Create New Request' task in CMTPC

      Use of default proxy settings when connecting to Conquest Product Service from CMTPC

      Upgrading an existing Local DB to the latest Schema is easier

      Map Functionality previously in Conquest II is now in the CMTPC Administrator

      Action Completion is now Permitted on new and pre-existing Actions

      Individual files (images) can now be attached to Individual Defects in a Defect Inspection

      Set a default Severity from a Standard Defect

      Start date is now set on Uploaded Actions

      New Actions now upload with an initial Organisation Unit history

      The Standard Inspection ‘Inspection Type’ is now remembered for reconfirmation

      The List of Asset Inspections (Standard) is now in descending Inspection Date order

      Display improvements to support Notebooks without touch screens

      When font size is increased and the application is restarted, fields now self-adjust to fit the larger fonts

      A Significant reduction in the time taken to do an Upload

      Improved reliability on Resuming an Upload after a lost connection

4.0010 - September 24th, 2015


Compatible with Conquest Mobile Web Service version 2.0611 and 2.0612, which are compatible with Conquest database versions 2.58 and 2.59

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      From Windows 8.1, Tablet PCs with an integrated GPS or by using Windows Location Services. Older PCs still allow the allocation of a Port for Bluetooth devices

3.0325 - February 10th, 2015


Compatible with Conquest Mobile Web Service version 2.0611 and 2.0612, which are compatible with Conquest database versions 2.58 and 2.59

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Fixes a bug that stopped Tag Inspections on Assets

3.0324 - February 4th, 2015


Compatible with Conquest Mobile Web Service version 2.0611 and 2.0612, which are compatible with Conquest database versions 2.58 and 2.59

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Adds a recovery feature for Uploads that were interrupted by hardware failure

3.0323 - December 16th, 2014


Compatible with Conquest Mobile Web Service version 2.0611 and 2.0612, which are compatible with Conquest database versions 2.58 and 2.59

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Fixes a problem with Conquest Map Files, in sub-folders, not downloading

      Changes the uploaded EditDate format from Date to DateTime

3.0322 - July 25th, 2014


Compatible with Conquest Mobile Web Service version 2.0611, which is compatible with Conquest database versions 2.58 and 2.59

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Fixes a problem, where a Sketch that is Outside the Bound of the Map Rectangle is Truncated

      Improvements to error messages

      CMTPC will now give an appropriate message then exit, if the Administration form has not been fully configured

      Any Request assigned to an Action, regardless of whether it has an accompanying Defect, when Uploaded will remain Assigned to the Action in Conquest

3.0321 - March 27th, 2014


Compatible with Conquest Mobile Web Service versions 2.0607-10

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      An error in the database upgrade script has been corrected

      Removed a dependency in the CMTPC installer that would show the Windows Repair dialog unnecessarily.

3.0320 - February 13th, 2014


Compatible with Conquest Mobile Web Service versions 2.0607-10

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      CMTPC Runtime

      The CMTPC Runtime no longer installs SQL Server Express 2008 R2, which has been a frequent failure point. Instead, compatible versions of SQL Server 2008 R2 or later can be installed/used on the CMTPC computer

      This change is only relevant to new installs. Existing installs don’t require the CMTPC Runtime to be reinstalled with this updated CMTPC Runtime.


      An error in the database creation script has been corrected

      Defect Inspections can now be created from the Requests List

      Under some circumstances, duplicate Action Reference IDs could be created, which is now no longer possible

3.0312 - January 10th, 2014


Compatible with Conquest Mobile Web Service versions 2.0607-8

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      A document name can now be specified for a Document attached to a Defect Inspection

      A Defect can now be mapped as a line object style

      When “Maintain the Current Inspection” option is selected on Upload, the subsequent uploads now work correctly

3.0311 - July 18th, 2013


Compatible with Conquest Mobile Web Service versions 2.0603-7

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      The new section in the Administrator form is now available to set the path for Documents on Defects and Actions to be copied to and uploaded from

      Checks and messages for Web Service versions have been improved

3.0310 - June 21st, 2013


Compatible with Conquest Mobile Web Service versions 2.0603-4

Performance and Stability Enhancements:


      Fixes a problem during the upload process, if the upload fails before sending the data to the server, the status bar was not reset

      Fixes an error that occurred, when an Asset is downloaded that has been assigned to a Function with a description greater than 50 characters

      Fixes an error that occurred, when an Inspection is downloaded that has an Organisation name greater than 50 characters

      Fixes a problem in the Administration form, when the user selects a local database, different from what was previously selected, and which the user does not have permission to use, the permission error message showed the wrong database name

      Fixes a problem with the upload process, whereby Assets updated with a CMTPC Condition Inspection had their OwnedBy value cleared

      Fixes a problem with the Administrator form, "Conquest Web Service for Requests", so that any change performs a connection test before the form is closed. The section is renamed "Conquest Mobile Web Service"

      Fixes a problem with the Administrator form, database connection , where the SQL Server Username and Password were exposed in the connection failure message

Functional Enhancements:


      The current DownloadID is visible in the CMTPC About form, which is available from the Administrator form and from the Main CMTPC Help Option

      The Web Service connection URL is now tested immediately after it has been entered


      Asset Inspections carry the Inspection Type on a new Inspection from the previous one

      Asset Inspection Notes are no longer mandatory


      A button on the Inspection form header opens a File Handler form to provide the ability to attach a file (usually a photo but can be any file)


      The CMTPC Installer is now generated with InstallShield, to improve performance and stability

3.0300 - November 23rd, 2012

      Requires version 2.57b1 or later of Conquest II

      Introduces an architectural change to allow compatibility with multiple Web Service versions

      Will run on the following Conquest Web Service versions:

   2.0604 for the Conquest 2.58 database

   2.0603 for the Conquest 2.57 database

      Fixes an issue with creating a new Action without a Defect

      Fixes an issue with the Defect Element List not showing

3.0202 - September 14th, 2012

      Requires version 2.57b1 or later of Conquest II

      Requires the Conquest Web Service 2.0602

      Provides Upload by Inspection so that Conquest users do not experience delays in their work through SQL Server being saturated with one large Upload

      Fixes an upload failure issue

      Fixes an issue with Condition Calculation

3.0201 - September 14th, 2012

      Requires version 2.57a1 or later of Conquest II

      Requires the Conquest Web Service 2.0601

      Provides polygon map features for Defects

3.0104 - July 27th, 2011

      Version number format change

      Bug Fix release for performance issue Uploading to SQL Server

      Requires version 2.55b1 or later of Conquest II

      Requires the Conquest Web Service 2.0504

3.1.3 - March, 2011

      Bug Fix release.

      Requires version 2.55b1 or later of Conquest II

      Requires the Conquest Web Service 2.5.3

3.1 - February, 2011

      Major Release.

      Includes Asset Inspections from Standard Inspections functionality introduced in Conquest II V2.55b1.

      Requires version 2.55b1 or later of Conquest II

      Requires the Conquest Web Service 2.5.2 or later.

3.0 - September, 2010

      Major Release

      Replaces the Microsoft Access database with SQL Server on the mobile device.

      Requires version 2.55a1 or later of Conquest II

      Includes an optional, Download Requests function to enable Field Inspectors, to associate a Customer request with an Inspection, when creating a Defect. Use of this option requires the Conquest Web Service 2.5.1 to be installed first.