
      Autosend Emails - tick this if you want emails to be automatically sent, when an Action or Request is assigned to an organizational unit. If unticked, the email form will open before sending to allow the user to change the content of the email.





Attach Request Report

Determines whether the Customer Request Report will be automatically attached to any emails generated by a Request. This report is a printable form which is often used by employees to record any details about the Request in the field. See Administering Reports|Document=Documents\Conquest II Reference.docx;topic=Report Manager for more detail.

Lock Actions

This option determines, when Actions are locked for editing. The options are:

    At Request Approval

    At Issue

    At Completion

    Please note that data on Action Completion in the Action form, Completion tab, can be changed at any time

Force depreciation before Action Completion

This option determines whether a depreciation transaction will be created when a valuation Action (Purchase, New Works or Disposal) is completed. The transaction will cover the period from the last transaction date until the Action completion date. See How To Manage Financial Data|topic=How To Manage Financial Data;document=Documents\Conquest III User Guide.docx|* for more information.

This also applies to the Expiry Date Calculator, so it generates a depreciation transaction for Valued Assets using the existing Expiry Date before recalculating it.

Show Completion Details Tab On Action

This option determines whether the Completion tab on the Action form is displayed before the Action has been completed.

Actions must be assigned to an organisational unit

Determines whether all Actions must be assigned to an organisational unit

Requests must be assigned to an organisational unit

Determines whether all Requests must be assigned to an organisational unit

Disable ‘Assign To’ notes dialog

Determines whether the Assign To notes dialog appears when an Action or Request is assigned to an organisational unit

Allow Requests to be edited after completion

Determines whether Requests can be edited after they have been completed

When applying Standard Actions, existing entries in Actions take precedence

This option determines whether the values in a Standard Action should replace the data in Action when the Standard Action is applied to the Action. If this option is switched on, the user will be prompted to select which values from the Standard Action should be applied.

Save Action Issue Date before generating Work Order report.

This option determines whether the IssueDate field is saved prior to generating a work order report. This is required for the date to be shown on the report. If this option is switched on and for some reason the work order report is not generated, the value in this field will be cleared.

Number of Characters of a Request used in Action Description

When an Action is created from a Request, the Action Description is automatically created based on the details in of the Request. This option determines the number of characters to use. The default is 30. A setting of 0 means that the all characters are used.

Forward Planning Date

This parameter determines the date to which future Actions are forecast when planning purposes. See How To Forecast Costs Using Actions|document=Documents\Conquest II How To.docx;topic=How To Forecast Costs Using Actions for more detail.

Default Master Action Asset

This parameter determines which Asset will be used as a default when creating Master Actions. How To Create A Master Action From A List for more detail.

Response Date For Actions Created From Defects Is Set As

This option determines whether the start date or finish date of an Action created from a Defect is based on the Response Date for the Defect.

Disable Insert Action Menu

This option determines whether the ‘Insert Action’ menu item is enabled. Switching this option on ensure that Actions are only created from Standard Actions

Allow Contractors to Complete Actions

Determines whether user who are associated with a Contractor are allowed to complete Actions. This type of user is only allowed to complete Actions assigned to that Contractor.