Database Setup

For a first-time set up of the Conquest Database, you will need to spend time with the SQL Server DBA to create the Conquest Schema, which will involve tailoring the scripts provided by Conquest|document=Documents\Conquest II Installation Guide.docx;topic=Custom Installation.

Best practice is to grant SQL Server Database Roles to AD Security Groups:

      One for Administrators:



      The other for standard Users:



Make the AD Accounts of the Asset Management team, members of one or the other Security Group.

Conquest data content is largely user defined, which means that no simple algorithm can be provided to precisely calculate the combination of processor, storage and network requirements of a Conquest installation.  The recommended approach is for Asset Management and Information Technology staff, in consultation with Conquest Software support staff, to analyze the content and quantity of data for a given period for:

      The Asset Register

      Asset Financial Transactions

      Works Management Transactions

      Customer Requests

Conquest is designed to work on a database up to the maximum size supported by the enterprise version of SQL Server 2012 or later.  The database provides seamless support for incremental data growth but the effect of such growth on server resources, needs to be regularly monitored.

Some Conquest releases require that a script is run on the database before the Management Console is used to Refresh System Objects as per the release notes. This is usually done by the IT department.

There are risks involved in modifying the SQL Server default features and the Conquest Database. See Customisation for details.