Current Values at Date

The Asset Values at Date Report is the same as the Asset Values except that it allows you to select a historic date and see the valuation figures as at that date. Its content consists of:

      This report shows the current valuation status at a particular date.

      The Replacement Cost column refers to the replacement cost (unit rate multiplied by measurement).

      The Last Valuation column shows the valuation calculated during the most recent Revaluation Process.  It will be the same as the Replacement Cost if the replacement rate has not changed since the last Revaluation.

      The Valued At Cost column refers to any capital works additions that have occurred since the last Revaluation was undertaken

      The Accum. Dep column refers to the Accumulated Depreciation.





Group By

Select one the three options to define the groupings for this report. If Function is selected then each Asset will need a function defined or else it will not appear in the report.

Show Assets

Check to display the Asset details, otherwise only group totals will appear.

Level of Summarisation

Determines what level the Groupings will go down to.

Sort Order

Select a  field from  the options on the drop down list t sort by

Show Decimals

Check to display decimals, otherwise only group totals will appear.

As at Date

This is the date that the report will calculate the values to.

The results for this report will be displayed and will include the replacement cost as at that date, the full value at the valuation prior to that date, any capital works added on since the prior valuation/depreciation, the amount of accumulated depreciation incurred on this Asset since the prior valuation/depreciation and the written down value of this Asset at the prior valuation/depreciation.

Please Note this report will only work if the Assets have transactions recorded at the specified date.

This report can be filtered using the standard Filtering System. See Filtering Data for details.