Filtering Data

Conquest provides Views, Querys and Reports as the main methods to output information. The Filter Builder is used in all three of them to choose the data for that information:

The above Filter is from the View Manager Form; using the same Filter as used elsewhere in Conquest.



Filter Selection

The five groups each list filters created to list data of their type. I.E. Asset filters will list Asset Data as determined by the actual filter created.


This is for a more detailed description of what this filter does.

System View

This box can be ticked by an Administrator, so that it is available to all Users. If not, the view will only be available to the user who created it. However, Administrators can run and copy any User’s View.

Attribute Set

This pick list lets you select an Attribute set to use for your filter. Using an Attribute set will reduce the returned record list to only Assets of that Attribute Set but it does mean that the Attribute Set Field names will be used rather than the standard (usertext1, userrtext2) field names.

Action Category

Available in an Actions View, selecting an Action Category will automatically filter the result to include only the Actions of that Action Category. The field names in the Field selection lists now have the corresponding Action Category User Field labels rather than the generic Conquest field names.

This section is where each line of the filter is created:

On the right hand side of the Criteria Description there is a Delete Icon to delete the currently selected line of the criteria.