Current Values

The Asset Values Report displays the current valuation figures for Assets.




Group By

Select one the three options to define the groupings for this report. If Function is selected then each Asset will need a function defined or else it will not appear in the report.

Show Assets

Check to display the Asset details, otherwise only group totals will appear.

Level of Summarisation

Determines what level the Groupings will go down to.

Sort Order

Select a  field from  the options on the drop down list t sort by

Show Decimals

Check to display decimals, otherwise only group totals will appear.

The results include the current Replacement Cost, the full Asset Value at the last Valuation, any Capital Works added on since the last Valuation/Depreciation, the amount of Accumulated Depreciation incurred on this Asset since the last valuation/depreciation and the written down value of this Asset at the time of the last valuation/depreciation.

This report can be filtered using the standard Filtering System. See Filtering Data for details.