Associate Expense Streams with External System Financial Codes

In the Project Toolbar is a button, hover-labeled, as “Select Import Codes”, which opens the “Assign Excel Codes” form, see Assign Financial Codes.This form provides the means to cross-reference Foresight Expense Streams with financial data from an external system. Once this is done, the Conquest data can be imported from an Excel, CSV format file of code, date and dollar value. The first row in the CSV file must contain the headings for the three columns




Dates are tricky in Excel, so make the column format “Date” and choose a format like “23/3/2011” so that the date is easy to see. Save the CSV file and reply “Yes” to the message about losing Excel format. Close the file and don’t save.

There is a multi-function button in the Project Toolbar, which can be either of “Import Values from Conquest” or “Import Values from File”.