Asset Depreciation Movement

Displays a list of Assets and their depreciation information for a set time period, as follows:

      Type Code (because the report is by Type but could be Family Code or Func Code)

      Asset ID

      Asset Description

      Opening ACD is the Accumulated Depreciation at the report Opening Date

      Expenses is the Deprecation Expense over the reporting period

      Writebacks is the amount of Accumulated Depreciation on the asset at the time of disposal

      Journals is the amendments that have been made to the Assets

      Revaluations is the adjustment of Accumulated Depreciation calculated on the Assets, as a result of the Revaluation process

      Indexations is the Indexation Adjustments, as a result of the Indexation process

      Impairment is changes made to the Assets as a result of the Impairment process

      Closing ACD is the Accumulated Depreciation at the report Closing Date




Select Grouping

Select one of three ways to group the content:


    Asset Type


Report Level

Sets the level of summarisation within the selected grouping hierarchy

Opening/Closing Dates

Sets the period for the report content. Leave these empty to display all records from the Filter.

Show Detail

Tick to display the Asset details, otherwise only group totals will appear.

Show Decimals

Tick to display decimals, on the Asset values.

This report can be filtered using the standard Filtering System. See Filtering Data for details.