
This figure shows a View result. The data that is returned is in text format. Each of the columns can be widened or shrunk with the mouse. You can also sort by any of the columns by selecting the column header. The displayed columns are the default columns but selecting the View Fields button of the filter screen can change them. This will open the field selection form as shown below.

For more detail on one of the resulting records you can either double click on it or select it and click the Select button.

The Find button allows a search to find a specific record in this result set. It function is similar to the regular Find Function but the list of Search fields is made up from the list of columns as configured above rather than all Fields in the Database.

An Action View will include a Delete button. This button will delete any selected Action unless it has been locked as defined by the Lock Actions Option or it is a Mater Action with assigned Sub actions.

If you have Conquest Map installed then the Map button will display the result set on a map.