User Fields

There are two sets of User Fields that can be used to further identify Assets, namely the System User Fields and the Asset Type User Fields.

System User Fields

These are configured in the System Options and are applicable to all Assets, while the Asset Type User Fields are configured in an Attribute Set and only applies to Assets of this Asset Type.

There are; 8 Text, 2 Number, 2 Date, 2 Check, 4 List and 2 User Hierarchy fields that can be defined.

Asset Type User Fields

These are categorised and stored in Asset Attribute Sets as:

      10 Condition Lists (configured in the Code Editor under Condition Lists

      8 Dimensions

      8 Environment Lists (configured in the Code Editor under System Lists

      30 each of User Defined:




      Check Boxes

      Lists (configured in the Code Editor under User Lists)

The Asset form displays only those fields that have been defined for its Asset Type.

Of the 8 Dimension fields, one can be chosen to be the Dimension to Value by defined for financial purposes, in the Asset Type (for example Length). Conquest uses the value in this field, when calculating the Replacement Cost for an Asset.

The 8 Environment Lists are purely informational, to assist in explaining the condition of Assets subjected to Environmental factors.