Sql Server

Modern, server grade hardware with a minimum 4 Gigabytes of RAM above and beyond that required for Windows and other applications. This is dependent on the number of concurrent client sessions and may be insufficient. Consultation between IT Management, Asset Management and Conquest Solutions Support is the recommended way of working out the best configuration.

A Windows Server 2012 R2 or later

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or later; 2016 is recommended. If you have yet to upgrade from SQL Server 2008 R2 make sure the database compatibility mode is set to SQL Server 2008 R2 (100)

Database sizing is detailed in Database Setup

Active Directory Groups for Asset Management Staff to use Conquest with e.g:


      The SQL Server dbOwner role

      The ‘ConquestAdmins’ database role


      The SQL Server dbWriter role

      The ‘Conquest’ database role

Things to be aware of:

      Note: Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services depends on Database Statistics to provide best performance. We recommend that Database Statistics are recalculated for the entire Conquest Database, at least once a year.

      SQL Server 2012 through 2017 are compatible with Conquest Web Apps

      The version of SQL Server used for Conquest may need to be Service Packed to meet Microsoft’s Windows compatibility requirements, which are published on their web site. Failure to do so could result in unexpected behaviour in Conquest III

      If the service account for SQL Server is set to be a Domain Account e.g. “DOMAIN_SQL”, it must be given the AD permission to register an SPN. The ‘NETWORK SERVICE’, default account, already has this

      To implement the “Change Data Capture” feature of SQL Server, the Enterprise Edition of SQL Server is required

      SQL Server Express, has restricted performance and capacity, so although it is a free, is not supported for use with Conquest