
There are four groups of Resources that can be used on an Action to help build up a cost estimate:




The Labour tab, Equipment and Materials tabs are basically the same type of hierarchy, so the notes in the table immediately below apply to all three.

For a new first level item in the currently selected Tab, click:

      New - Top Level [Group]

For a new sub-level item in the currently selected Tab, click:

      New  [Group]




This is the description or name of this resource.

Resource Code

Is a Conquest generated code number to determine this entries position in the hierarchy.

User Field 1 and

User Field 2

These two fields are each 50 character, to be used as you see fit.

Availability From and

Availability  To

These two date fields are for any resource that is only available to select for a limited time. For example an employee with a six month contract.

Maximum Units

This field sets the quantity of a Resource representing a set. For example if you had ten employees all doing the same job on the same rate, you could call their Resource “Class A Employees” and set the Maximum Units to 10.

Standard Rate

Usualyy set up as an amount per day or hour.

Overtime Rate and

Double Rate

Usually an overtime or standby rate.

Cost Per Use

This records any start up or call out cost that may be applicable. If there is none ensure put $0.00 in this field.

Accrual Type



If you have defined any Calendars in Conquest, select one here.

The Contractors Tab shows all Contractors that have been set as a Resource in the Contractors Form, to be configured with Contract rates for various jobs:
