Request Form - Action Tab

Request Action Tab

The Action Tab on the Request form is for creating, viewing or linking actions to Assets. It is Read Only for “Requests Only” users.

This tab lists all actions that are related to this Request.

Action Details

Displays some key fields from the selected Action. This allows a user to see the status of Action quickly. This is the part that “Requests Only” users can see.

Completion Details

Once an Action is complete then the details will display here.


The Action Tab buttons are not available to “Requests Only” users.

The View button opens the selected Action.

The Create button will create a new Action related to this Request.

The Relate button opens a list of all actions allowing you to select an already created Action to relate to this Request. There is a similar function on the Action form that allows you to relate that Action to any Request.

The Delete button will delete the selected Action.