Recommended Testing Environment

It is recommended that all upgrade installations are first made in a test environment for both the SQL Server and client sides. This can be done by making an up to date copy of the production environment that the upgrade will ultimately be applied to, on the satisfactory completion of testing. This is particularly important for organisations that prefer to upgrade infrequently and have possibly made manual adjustments to data sometime in the past, which may not be compatible with the latest upgrade scripts.

For the test environment it is very important to make a copy of the network folder containing the Conquest II Master libraries; UserInterface.mdb and Conquest Reports.mdb for the test version of Conquest II to work with, by setting the library references to the copies on all machines, where the test version of Conquest II is installed. This is because the new version of Conquest II being tested may require changes to be made to the libraries, which could cause problems in the existing, production Conquest II, if the changes were applied to the production libraries by mistake.

Note: Make sure that all Conquest Mobile Inspection Programs that have been downloaded to CMTPC or CMPPC from the version of the Conquest II database that is being upgraded, have been uploaded. Even if the release notes for CMPPC and CMTPC state that later versions of Conquest II are compatible, they might not be compatible between Download and Upload.