Query Selection



Query Name

The Name of your Query should be as descriptive as possible.


Any further description necessary.

System Query

This option is available to administrators and is used to make the query available to all users. Non administrative users will not be able to edit this query.

Use Fields Names in SQL

This checkbox determines whether the actual Conquest Field names or more descriptive names are used in the Result Form and SQL text. It is provided as a “Runtime” option so will need to be set, if desired, every time the Query is run.

Attribute set

If the Asset Type View is selected from the available views (see below) then this pick list will be available. Selecting an Attribute set from this pick list will automatically filter the result to only include Assets with that Attribute set. An additional advantage is that the field names in the Field selection lists now have the corresponding Attribute Set labels rather than the generic Conquest field names.

Action Category

If the Actions View is selected from the available views (see below) then this pick selector will be available. Selecting an Action Category from this selector will automatically filter the result to only include Action s of this Action Category. An additional advantage is that the field names in the Field selection lists now have the corresponding Action User Field labels rather than the generic Conquest field names.

Inspection Attribute set

If the Standard Inspection View is selected from the available views then this pick list will be available. Selecting an Attribute set from this pick list will automatically filter the result to only include Inspections with that Attribute set. An additional advantage is that the field names in the Field selection lists now have the corresponding Attribute Set labels rather than the generic Conquest field names.

Available Views

Lists the views (Note these are system views not user views) in Conquest that you can select data from. You may choose from one view or a combination of views. Not all views are compatible with each of the other views.

The Inspections view make the user fields from a Standard Inspection attribute set available.

Note that it is possible to join views that do not have a direct relationship by selecting a view that is related to both of the views that you want to extract data from.

The Field Tab lets you select the fields for display from the Views you have selected here.

The Criteria Tab lets you create a filter for your query.

The SQL Tab lets you view or edit the SQL of this query. (Administrators only)

The Run button lets you view the results once you have selected the fields and criteria.

The Copy button will create a copy of the current query and save it as Copy of “query name”. This allows a query to be edited and saved separately rather than completely recreated. Non administrative users can copy system queries. The copied query will only be available to this user for editing.

The Export button allows you to directly export the result set of this query as a comma separated (CSV) file.