Post Transactions

Once the Valuation or Depreciation transactions have been reviewed and are acceptable, the Post Transactions function will create the CSV file to import to the Financial System.




Description of this current posting file.


The date that this file is made.

Post Type

Choose from Valuation, Depreciation, Purchase, New Works or Disposal.  The created CSV file is a sum of the selected transactions per summarization field, between the selected dates and for the filtered Assets.

Transaction Dates

The dates between which this function will sum the transactions.

Summarize by Field

Choose the field that you wish to group the sum of the transactions by.  The selected field in the ‘summarise by’ field should be the one used to record the account or function number


If the summarize field is a hierarchy then select a level of the hierarchy to group at.

Posting Filter

The filter of Assets that you are using for this posting.

The object of this form is to aggregate the values of transactions on selected Assets into records based on the “Summarize by Field” and output to a CSV file, which can be imported into a financial system that records the summarized Assets as lines in the General Ledger.

The result might look like this:

The financial staff should review the resulting CSV file and Conquest Data before importing the CSV file into the financial software.  When all is well and the file has been processed into the financial software, the batch can be Posted in Conquest so that it cannot be rolled back.  Up to this point the transactions generated in the valuation or depreciation batch could have been rolled back to their previous state if necessary.  To post the batch select the Post button, which opens the Postings form. 

Select the appropriate item then select Accept.  Once a posting has been accepted the related transactions are locked and made unavailable to be rolled back.