Mobile - Inspection Programs

The Inspection Programs feature is available from the Navigation Window, Tools section, for licensed users of CMTPC.

An Inspection Program represents the Data and Map that define the scope of a data Download to CMTPC:


      Does not record new Assets

      Allows Asset Conditions or Attributes to be changed during an Inspection, which will generate a Condition Inspection in Conquest on Upload

      Records Map Features for Defects based on the Map Views downloaded

      Records Defects, Actions and Asset Inspections

      Completes Actions


      Allows the addition of new Assets

      Allows Asset Descriptive, Condition and Dimension data to be changed during an Inspection, which will generate a Condition Inspection in Conquest on Upload. Only Assets that fit within the criteria of the Inspection Program filter can be edited but new Assets can be added anywhere within the CMPPC Asset Explorer

      Records Assets, Defects and Asset Inspections but not Actions

The Download function conforms to the Inspection Program check-box “Allow Assets to be Edited on Device” in the Inspection Program but you can override it.

The Inspection Program Form consists of:

      On the left, a list of the Inspection Programs already defined

      At top - middle, a checkbox to permit downloaded Assets to be edited on the mobile device

      In the middle panel, a list of Filters available to Inspection Programs

      To the right of the Filters label is the number of Assets the selected Filter will retrieve from Conquest

      The lower - middle panel is a list of map layers that can be selected to download with the data, used by CMTPC. One view can be set as the default view to be displayed, when CMTPC starts

      On the right is the Task Panel used to manage an Inspection Program

Things to be aware of:

The Downloads Task should not be needed unless a Device has been damaged or lost. If you are uncertain as to whether you should use it, please call Conquest Support.

When an Inspection Program is no longer required, it can be deleted by selecting it in the list then clicking the Delete Task.

When two or more Inspectors download and use the same Inspection Program in the same timeframe, the first device to Download it will be able to edit the Assets but the others will not, even though the “Allow Assets to Edited on Device” check-box is ticked.