Main Menu

The Main Menu is always available from the Burger Icon at top-left of the Main Window with:

      A tap, to slide a menu in from screen-left

      A Finger Swipe in from the left-edge of the Main Window screen

      The Main Menu provides credentials:

      Your Full Name from the Account data in Conquest Services

      Your Organisation Name from Conquest Services

      Your Database Connection:

      To change the Environment you are connected to, tap the Database Connection (right and left arrows):

      Tap ‘Switch Database’, taking you to the Select Environment screen:

      Tap the first picklist to select from the available APIs

      Tap the second picklist to select from the Database Connections available to the selected API

      Tap Connect

      Menu Items:

      New Request opens the Request Form for you to enter details about a Customer Request

      Stash is the local cache that holds unsaved Conquest Data until a successful Save is made on it

      Assets switches the View Tool to provide Asset Views then displays them

      Actions switches the View Tool to provide Action Views then displays them

      Requests switches the View Tool to provide Request Views then displays them


      Logging is a “trail” of operations performed by the App, which can be used to analyse issues

      Settings is for viewing the version, connection and device details, for reference. It also has a “long-press” function that retrieves the Conquest System Options

      Sign Out is important because, if you don’t use it, you will continue to hold a Conquest Licence, making it unavailable to anyone else for an hour