How To Use The Prioritiser

The Prioritiser Function is used to Help Prioritise Assets for maintenance or replacement.

The Prioritiser has two methods to prioritise the Assets.  Firstly by Asset information only; i.e. an Asset’s Condition, Risk, Consequence of Deprival or any of the other Priority parameters.  Secondly by using Assigned Actions; i.e. sorting by priority parameters as above, but then using pre-entered Actions with costs to determine what can be afforded according to an entered budget.

To configure a Priority scenario at least one Priority field must be chosen.  The Fields available here are the Priority Parameter Fields as shown on the Asset General Information tab.  For any field selected here the Assets for which you wish to prioritise must have data in this field.  Each of these fields can then be weighted against each other for importance to the overall priority score (i.e. if Condition is weighted four (4) and Risk two (2) then in the overall Priority score Condition will have twice the importance as Risk based on weight ratio of 4:2).

The resulting Report will calculate out the Scores for each Asset, Based on the score given and the weight selected here, and then list the Assets in highest to lowest order.  The List can also (and should be) Creating Filters.

If the Include Actions checkbox is selected then the list will be limited to Assets that have uncompleted Actions.  It will still be sorted as above but any predetermined Action costs will also be listed.  The running total of Action costs will be compared to the entered Budget and all Assets that appear in the List prior to the budget total being reached will be in bold.