How To Use The Estimate Tool Bar

Conquest provides the Estimate Tool Bar for the Actions Form Costs Tab

Other than Delete and Print, the buttons of the Estimate Tool Bar are used as follows:

      Insert Task

      The Task data fields are as follows:

Field Name


      Task Description

      Record the name of the Task.  To add another Task click the Insert Task button again

      Start Date

      The Start Date for the Task; defaults to today’s date


      The Estimated Duration of the Task

      Estimate Totals

      Automatically calculated from the Task’s assigned Resources, Estimate values

      Actual Totals

      Automatically calculated from the Task’s assigned Resources, Actual values



To assign a Resource to a Task, select the Task then select the Insert Resource Assignment button for a resource from the resources list or select Insert Ad-hoc Assignment for a new resource.

      Insert Resource Assignment  Insert Adhoc Assignment

      The Assignment data fields are as follows:

Field Name



      This is the name of the Resource as selected from the Resource Selector or manually entered


      Unit Of Measure for the Resource


      This is the quantity of this Resource that are to be allocated to the task e.g. 2 X Truck


      The standard Rate for the Resource

      Cost Per Use

      Sum of extra usage Costs for use of the Resource



      Copy Estimate Rates to Actual Rates  Copy Estimate Rates and Quantities to Actual Rates and Quantities

      For the selected Task, copies the Estimated rates for all Resource, to the Actuals rates. Quantities to be input manually

      For the selected Task, copies all Estimated data for all Resources, to Actuals

      If additional Resources are needed for Actuals they can be added as normal but with only the Actuals section entered

      Move Up  Move Down; to move a selected Task up or down in the list of Tasks