How To Use Master Actions

Create a Master Action with Sub-Actions, all managed on one Work Order:

From the Asset Form:

      Click New > Master Action in the Tasks Window, to create an ad hoc Action, or:

      Click New > Master Action > Master Action from a Standard Master Action to start with predefined data

… or from any of the following by right-clicking:

      An Asset in the Asset Explorer

      An Asset in a List

      A Favourite item

      A Recently Viewed item

      Click the New > Master Action option, to create an ad hoc Master Action, or:

      Click the New > Action > Master Action from a Standard Master Action option, to start with predefined data

      Input the Master Action data regarding works to be performed on the Asset

      If there are Actions pre-existing the Master Action, you can use the Master Action Form Task, to load them. See Managing Sub-Actions for more details. Alternatively, create Actions on the Asset and Assign them to the Master Action as you go:

      Optionally, use the Conquest Work Planner to visualise the Sub-Actions and adjust, if necessary. See How To Use The Work Planner for details

      Issue the Master Action, selecting a suitable Work Order Format that lists all of the Sub-Actions to be performed

      Optionally, Issue and Complete each of the Sub-Actions individually

      You can use the Master Action to Complete all of the Sub-Actions. See Completing Master Actions for more details