How To Set Up Deterioration Curves

Open the Deterioration Curves Editor from the Knowledge Base panel, Editors section of the Navigation Window.

The X and Y axis of the chart are percentages:

      X for the Useful Life

      Y for Deterioration

      The nodes along the line represent the percentage of Deterioration expected at a point in time. Each percentage entered shapes the line to that point on the graph:

To change an existing Deterioration Curve, select its name in the list on the left of the Form. Changing either the Curve Name or any Deterioration value will put the Form into Edit Mode, making the ‘Save’ Task available:

      Set or change the Curve Name

      Set or change the Deterioration values, or…

      Instead of typing values, drag a node up or down to a new position

      Click ‘Save’ once the entered percentages correctly represent the Deterioration Curve for the Asset Type being modelled

      To Create a new Deterioration Curve either:

      Click the ‘New > Curve’ Task, or…

      Click the ‘Copy’ Task

      Name and model the Deterioration Curve as described above

A Deterioration Curve can be:

      Assigned to an Asset Type

      Selected from a Risk Event for Calculating the probability of the Risk Event occurring

NOTE: Deterioration Curves have no effect on Valuations and are not used in Depreciation calculations.