How To Manage Functions

Use the Function Editor, as follows, to record hierarchies of financial or class functions, which can then be assigned to any of your Assets, thereby allowing filtering and grouping by that function:

      Click on Knowledge Base in the Navigation Window

      Click on Editors to expand the group

      Click on Functions

      To create a Function, you can:

      Click New > Top Level Function to start a new hierarchy of Functions

      Click on a Function to select it then click New > Function

      Enter a Function Description, usually the name of the Function, as it is known in your organisation

      Optionally enter:

      User Field 1

      User Field 2


      Click Save

      To edit an existing Function, locate it and click it to open it in the Function Editor

      Change any or all of the following:

      Function Description

      User Field 1

      User Field 2


      Click Save

Things to be aware of:

The Function Editor cannot create duplicate rows but, should there be a 3rd party Function Management product interfacing with Conquest, or even the use of a SQL tool, the possibility of duplicate rows does exist. The Management Console checks the Hierarchy tables during the Refresh System Objects function and, if there are duplicates, will produce a list for you to pass to Conquest Support for urgent attention.

Functions are configured much the same as other hierarchies. See the Function Editor details.

Make sure that Function hierarchies defined for use in financial reports, have been applied to all of the relevant Assets.  Not doing so is a common reason for failure of some financial reports to reconcile.