How To Forecast Costs Using Actions

First off you need to set up all of your Actions, Cyclic Actions and Repeatable Actions with accurate Start Dates and assigned to Business Units. Having done that:

      As an Administrator, Click on the Configuration bar in the Navigation Window.

      Click on Options

      In the Options Form Click the ‘Actions and Requests’ expander bar:

      For the ‘Forward Planning Date’ Option, Click the Calendar button and select a date to generate Forecast data up to

      Click the Save Task

      Observe the progress bar, which has to reach its end before the Forecast data is complete:

      You now have a repository of Forecast data comprised of:

      Non-Cyclic, non-Repeatable Actions that have Start Dates in the forecast period and are not Completed

      Cyclic Actions extrapolated out for the cycles that will take place over the forecast period

      Repeatable Actions extrapolated out for the repetitions over the forecast period

      Click on the Reports bar in the Navigation Window

      The Conquest Administrator will have put the ‘Action Forecast’ report into a Category like ‘Works Management’, so expand that and Click ‘Action Forecast’

      The Report Form opens with the ‘Parameters Prefill’ section

      Tick the Pre-fill checkbox then enter the range of dates for the Report to run

      If there are no Filters available then use the ‘New > Report Filter’ Task to create one. See Filtering for more details

      Select a Filter

      Preview the Report

Important Considerations:

      The Action Forecasting Table is automatically updated, when new Actions are created and, whenever an Action, Cyclic Action or Repeatable Action is edited in a way that changes the Action Start Date.

      Any reporting based on the Action Forecasting Table that depends on a date after the Forward Planning Date will not include Actions with a Start Date greater than the Forward Planning Date, so to avoid possible misleading information in such reporting, including Cubes, ensure that the reported date range does not go beyond the Action Forecast Date