How To Edit an Option

Edit options as follows:

      Enter textual or numeric data… or

      Tick a True/False checkbox… or

      Select an item from a Drop-list… or

      Click a button… then

      Click the Save Task

Things to be aware of:

Personal Preferences are available to all Users:

      Only to the User making them

      Are applied on any workstation, wherever a User runs Conquest

All other Option Groups can only be Edited by an Administrator and are applied system wide.

Failure to click the Save Task and ignoring prompts to Save Changes, will nullify edits.

Folders and share names in the paths for Conquest must not include characters that Microsoft has designated to be Special e.g. & < > (  ) @ ^ |

If such characters are already entrenched in the network, create new Shares to the specific folders for Conquest files and use those Shares in the Path Options, as necessary.