How To Add Codes and Code Sets Using The Code Editor

The Code Editor contains all of the user definable pick-lists within Conquest.  These are broken into 4 groupings; Conditions, Elements, System and User.  Even though they contain different types of lists all four groupings are managed in the same way.  The System list grouping contains all the common pick-lists found throughout the system such as Request Category, Priority Parameter lists and Urgency to name a few.  The other three contain lists that are used in a specific section of the software and will be detailed below

Once you have selected the particular list you are interested in the list’s entries can be seen on the right section of the form.  These can be edited by selecting the value you wish to change and changing it.  You can add to the list simply by typing in the new values on the blank line at the bottom of the list.  The point value section of the lists is used if you wish to have some sort of ranking assigned to list values.  This is commonly only used on condition or priority parameter lists.  See Code Editor for details on code creation

The Condition Lists apply to the 10 individual conditions list set for each Attribute Set.  This allows for flexibility in the descriptions assigned for each condition.  To make it work you first create the new condition list in the condition grouping and then in the relevant Attribute Set, select the new list for the appropriate condition parameter.  See Asset Type Attributes

Element Lists are used in conjunction with Defects.  These are defined on an Asset type basis; i.e. the Asset type might be a building so therefore your element list would list all the elements of a building (walls, roof, gutters etc).  The idea of this is so that when you create a Defect on an Asset of this type then you can specify what particular element of the Asset it is applying to.  See Defects.

User Lists are for the user defined list fields therefore any list you create here will be available to use as a user list on an Attributes Set, a System User List or a User List in an Action Category.

See Asset Type Attributes and Action Categories.

Things to be aware of:

      Editing Codes changes the data for all the Assets that have been assigned that code.  This is a particular warning for condition codes, so ensure that you are aware of how this change may affect your Assets.  Just remember to proceed with caution.

      For Condition Lists you should keep your points score ranges the same and use the Asset Type weightings to make particular conditions more important than others.  For example, a score range could all be 0 to 5 or 0 to 100 but it would not be particularly useful to have a combination of these two.  Also note low scores are the better conditions and higher scores are worse conditions.  The Priority Parameter scores should also be kept to a similar range.