Free-form Edit Window

      Colour coding of; Code, Comments and Variables

      Highlights changed lines

      Indentation by Tabs or sets of spaces but not a mix of both

      Function links in the Task window

      New - Reusable Script

      Save                                                                            Stores the Iron Python Code in the Conquest database.

      Cancel                                                                         Returns the version of the Code to the last Save

      Test                                                                             Runs the code, with a “Pass or Fail with” message in the Error window below the code

      Search Script                                                        Opens the ‘Find and Replace’ window; fairly straightforward. Also closes it

      Note: Tests do not change data and are dynamic, so code dependent on a conditional statement that returns false, is not checked. There could still be errors.

      Code Tools at the bottom of the window:

      A ‘Zoom slider’ to adjust font size

      A Whitespace button to show Tab and Space characters