Dekho Integration Options

The Conquest-Dekho integration requires that the URL of the Dekho Server is entered into the System Options as shown below:

The usual rules of URL construction apply:

      Do not embed spaces in the URL

      Some special characters are reserved to define the URL structure. Therefore, the following characters cannot be part of a name or descriptor:





      The substitution variable parts of the URL are recognized and handled by Conquest III:

      [@Layer] is replaced with the Map Layer associated with the Type of Asset

      [@ID] is replaced with the ID or IDs (separated by commas) of the Assets being mapped

The integration supports two other settings:



Reuse Dekho browser instance when opening Assets

Determines whether the integration will attempt to re-use the current open Dekho session if possible

Asset Display Limit

Determines the number of Assets above which a warning will be displayed asking the user whether to proceed displaying the Assets in Dekho

This section of the Options form is only available if a licence for the interface has been supplied by Conquest Solutions and has been installed.  The following dialog shows the licence form after the Conquest Dekho Interface licence has been installed.