Cyclic Action Details

This Form is opened with the Edit Details function, from a selection of items in a Cyclic Actions View:

From a selected, initialised Action Cycle from the Asset Form:

To edit the details that are common to an Action Cycle(s), as follows:

      Modify Date Next Action Due

When the Actions are due but the operator determines that the work can’t be done yet, make the Due Date later.

      Standard Cycle Duration - Read only, the Cycle from the Standard Action

      Modify Standard Duration By

To change the duration for the selection of Action Cycles

      Action Cycle Stopped

Default is No. If you select ‘Yes’, the selected Action Cycles are stopped and Due Date is removed. Provided that your View Filter uses Due Date, stopped Action Cycles will be removed from the View List, when you close the Cyclic Action Details Form

      Work Order Format - Read only, from the Standard Action, shows a value if the same Work Order Format is used for the selection of Action Cycles. See the warnings below

      Standard Action - Read only, Action Description from the Standard Action. Empty when the selection is for more than one Standard Action

Note: To assist in the process of creating and or Issuing Cyclic Actions, the Cyclic Action Details Form provides “warning highlights” for fields that have more than one value in your selection of Action Cycles:

Significance of highlights:

      Modify Date next Action Due if there is more than one date across the selection of Action Cycles. If this is intended, continue

      Modify Standard Cycle Duration By if there is more than one value across the selection of Action Cycles. If this is intended, continue

      Action Cycle Stopped if there is more than one value across the selection of Action Cycles. If this is intended, continue

      Work Order Format if there is more than one value across the selection of Action Cycles. If this is intended, continue. The Master Action controls the Work Order Format

      Standard Action if there is more than one value across the selection of Action Cycles. If this is intended, continue. The Master Action controls the Organisation Unit and Email Address.