Creating Assets

Guidelines on building a CSV file for new Assets:

      The names in the Header row (field names row) of the file must match the column names in tblAsset

      The first two columns of the data must be ParentCode and AssetDescription in that order.  If the Asset Type is included, TypeID must be the third column:


      This is the Family Code value of the Asset that is to be the Parent of the new Asset.  This value must be the valid code of an existing Asset and must be formatted as a text field


      This is a text field that adequately describes the Asset, up to 255 characters in length. It does not usually contain Asset Type information


      This is a number (integer) field for the TypeID of the new Asset and must exist in Conquest

      You cannot use AssetID, FamilyCode, LastFamilyCode and Lvl. Any other column from tblAsset may be included

      The data for the columns must match that of the tblAsset column’s data type.  Refer to the Data Dictionary Report for a list of the field names in the Asset table, or view the columns in a software tool such as SQL Server Management Studio

      To Import Asset Inspection information the InspectionDate field must be included.  The import file may also include any of the other columns from tblInspection

      To Import new Assets with their Valuation details, the required fields are:




The Value of the imported Asset at the Last Transaction Date.


The amount of depreciation accumulated on the imported Asset at the Last Transaction Date.


Any historical cost assigned to the Asset at the Last Transaction Date.


This is the date for the import transaction, i.e. the date at which the adjustments made in this Import/Update are as of.  This can be different to the ValDate as the ValDate is the Date of Valuation / Revaluation of this Asset.


This is the valuation date of the imported valuation data.



An Asset Valuation transaction, marked as “Posted”, of type “Opening Balance” will be recorded for each imported Valuation Asset. The transaction description will also be “Opening Balance”. If a specific transaction description is a requirement, first Import the Assets as non-valued, then Update them with the necessary valuation data.

There are exceptions for column headings such as the tblValtrans.Comments column, which must be imported as “ValuationComments”.

Note: importing Valued Assets is usually done to bring existing Assets from some other system e.g. the Financial System, into Conquest.  An Opening Balance transaction, marked as Posted, will be created for each Asset imported.  The Cost Movement Report will display the Opening Balance value as the Opening Cost.