
Requires Edit Action or Administrator permission. The Contractors Form:

For recording and maintaining external Contractors, internal work gangs or both.  A Contractor can be a Subcontractor of one other Contractor.




The list of all Contractors. To add a new one to this list, Click the Add button.


The Contractor’s business account number.

Cert Date

This can be the date the Contractor received their certification, or the date it expires. Whichever way you want to use it, be consistent.


The name of a prime contact for the Contractor.

Contact Details Section

Fields to record the address and other business details.

Give the Contractor an email address, so that a Work Order can be emailed to them, when Actions that they are assigned to, are Issued.

User Field 1

This field is used to record any other data not listed in previous fields. This is commonly used as a link to other corporate systems.


If this is ticked then this Contractor can have rates set as a Resource, and be assigned to Tasks in Actions.


If this is ticked then this Contractor can no longer be selected for use anywhere. They are retained here for historical reference.

Action Categories Selector

Relate each Contractor to one or more Action Categories, so that on Actions of that Action Category, the Contractor can be assigned. If Contractors have been linked with Login Users, they will be restricted to create/modify Actions of their Action Categories.

Sub-Contractor Selector

A Contractor can have a number of sub-contractors and these can then be selected in the Action form by the Contractor. Sub-contractors have no effect on email or issuing of Actions. They are purely for reference for A Contractor.

If you want Contractors to use Conquest to manage their assigned Actions, create Users for them with the User Accounts Form, and select them from the Contractors Picklist.  Give such Users permission to Edit Actions, so they can see any Actions (apart from cost information) assigned to any Contractor, and can see Asset information according to the Conquest Permissions granted to them.