Conquest Request Module

Conquest Request is a licensed sub-module of Conquest III, for which the licences are purchased in blocks of ten at a significant saving over the cost of full licences.

Run “Conquest Request” using either of the two following methods, conforming to the Conquest Permission model, whereby the user must have a minimum permission of “Read Only” to Requests:

      The Standard Conquest III URL e.g. “http://WebServerName/Conquest” or “”, which provided that the user has only the “Requests Only User” checkbox ticked in the ‘User Accounts’ Form (not Administrator and not User), will consume a Request licence and display the Conquest III Request user interface. Any other combination of usage checkboxes will display the primary Conquest III user interface and will consume a Conquest user licence

      The Conquest III Request URL e.g. “http://WebServerName/Conquest/Requests.aspx” or “”, which provided that the user has the “Requests Only User” checkbox ticked in the ‘User Accounts’ Form, will consume a Request licence and give the Conquest III Request user interface, regardless of what combination of user flags the user has, including Administrator. If the user does not have the “Requests Only User” checkbox ticked then this URL will deny access to any form of Conquest III

Use the Conquest Request module to limit access to:

      The Request Form (restricted by having no Inspection Tab and read only for the Action Tab). For more details on the Request form see Requests.

      Request Views

      Action Views (Actions can be viewed but not edited)

      Find Tool (limited to Requests only)

      Request Reports, as set up by the Conquest Administrator, so it is possible for a “Requests Only” user to be able to run any Report that the Conquest Administrator has assigned to the Request Reports Category, provided that sufficient permission has been granted to their Permissions Group for them to do so. Even though a user might have Edit permission on Assets, when logged in with the Conquest Request URL, they will not be able to use the Asset Explorer, Asset form, Assets View or Assets Query. However, if they have been provided with an Asset Report in the Requests Reports Category they will be able to run and view it

      The User Preferences part of the Options form. See Personal Preferences for more details

Conquest Request users are set up in Conquest by the Conquest Administrator. They can be:

      Requests Only

      Requests and Conquest

      High profile users can have a Request licence reserved for them, so that they can always be assured of access