Configuring the Interface for Works Management

The interface is based on creating Action Categories that represent surface treatments and pavement Reconstructions.  These Action Categories are identified in the interface so that user fields that hold relevant information about the Actions can be store information that can be uploaded into SMEC.

The following table shows the information that is loaded into SMEC from Conquest.

Job Type

Data Loaded Into SMEC

Data Type

User Field Data Type

Surface Treatment

SMEC Treatment Code

Surface Thickness

Portion Treated

Existing Cracked Area

SMEC Treatment Code*

User text


Surface Thickness

Number in mm

User number


Portion Treated

F = Full width

C = Centre Only

L = Left Only

R = Right Only

User text


Existing Cracked Area

Percentage Existing Cracked Area

User number


Existing Wide Cracked Area

Percentage Existing Wide Cracked Area

User number

Pavement Reconstruction

Surface Code

SMEC Surface Material Code*

User text


Surface Thickness

Number in mm

User number


Base Code

SMEC Pavement Material Code*

User text


Base Thickness

Number in mm

User number


Subgrade CBR


User number

      *                                                                              The interface includes Validation / Lookup pairs to support valid data entry in these fields.

At least one Action Category should be created for Surface Treatments and Pavement Reconstructions, although any number of Child Action Categories may also be created.

Each of these Action Categories should have user fields created in accordance with the table above.  The following diagram shows an example of a Surface Treatment Action Category.  The relevant user fields are highlighted.

The Conquest – SMEC Interface Administration form should set as follows: