Configuring the Asset Cross Reference

The interface relies on establishing a cross reference between SMEC road segments and corresponding assets in Conquest.  Typically there are two assets in Conquest that represent a single road segment in SMEC; a pavement asset and a surface asset.  The interface assumes that the user fields have been established for these asset types to hold the relevant SMEC road number and section numbers.

To setup up the Asset Cross Reference:

Step 1.        Open the Conquest – SMEC Interface Administration Form

Step 2.        Select the appropriate attribute sets for both surface and pavement assets

Step 3.        Select the user fields that have been defined in each attribute set to store the SMEC Road and Section numbers.  Please note that these are user number fields in Conquest.

The interface includes two reports (one each for surfaces and pavements) that show the state of the cross reference relationship between SMEC and Conquest.

The following diagram shows a typical configuration: