
Code Lists and Codes are used throughout Conquest to build Picklists. Codes are the items that make up a list.

There are five types of Code Lists:

Code Lists and Codes:

Code List Category


Condition Lists

Used for the specific purpose of allocating a condition rating and score for a Condition Attribute

Consequences of Failure

(Needs a Licence to be visible)

These are lists that are used to score Consequences of Failure in the Conquest Risk Module

Element Lists

Used to define the different elements of an Asset that would be used to record a Defect

System Lists

Predefined Lists used by Conquest, which cannot be added or deleted as a whole, although the Codes within them are fully editable.

User Lists

User Defined Lists, to extend the data for Assets, Defects or Actions and Asset Inspections

The Code Editor gives access to the data underlying Conquest Picklists:



Code Caption

This is the name of the Picklist, as it appears in Conquest Forms.


System-generated, unique number that identifies a list item. Use this value in bulk import or update files to represent an item from a Picklist.


The name of a Picklist item.


Used to specify the importance of an Item. Particularly significant in Priority Parameters and Conditions



New > Code List

Creates a new Picklist in the selected section.

Delete Code List

Deletes the currently selected Picklist. This can’t be done for System Lists.

New > Code

Creates a new item in the currently selected Picklist.

Delete Code

Deletes the currently selected item.

Up/Down Arrows

Use to move the selected item up or down in the list.