Client Side

Screen resolution is best at 1200X1080 but no higher.

CMTPC is compatible with the Professional, Ultimate and Enterprise - 32 and 64 bit versions of Microsoft Windows 7 through 10.

The Microsoft Windows Installer must be version 4.5 or later. You can display the version from an elevated CMD window, by typing ‘MSIEXEC /?’.

The Administrator and Users of CMTPC must use a Domain Network Account.

Install the following, if they are not present on the client PC:

      Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5 or later

      SQL Server 2008 R2 or later, installed with Mixed Mode Authentication. The Express version can be obtained as a free Download from Microsoft; compatibility with Windows is achieved by installing service packs as per Microsoft documentation

      CMTPC Runtime, which installs MapXtreme vs 6.8 and creates the CMTPC SQL Server Login used by CMTPC

Things to be aware of:

      CMTPC uses the Conquest Mobile Web Service, installed on a Web Server, to Download Inpection Programs from the Conquest database, and to Upload fresh Inspection data to the Conquest database. See the Server Side Prerequisites section for details

      The CMTPC Runtime Installer expects to be able to use the “NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM” account to authenticate its Services. If this account is removed or renamed then the installer will fail

      Hardware resources must be capable of handling the scope of the Inspection Programs being used for field inspections. A suggested minimum for computing power is a multi-core CPU with at least 4 Gb of RAM. Very large Inspection Programs, that could result in hundreds of thousands of Assets, Inspections, Defects and Actions being downloaded, may benefit from more RAM