Changing Attribute Sets

The Attribute Set Converter allows you to change the Attribute Set of one or more Asset Types.

Changing the order of user fields in an attribute set is a complicated process so the converter has been provided as a wizard to simplify the process.

The Wizard will:

      Ask you for the Attribute Set you wish to change

      Ask you for the new Attribute Set

      Ask you which of the Asset Types that have been assigned this Attribute Set are to change

      Allow you to match the user field fields from the old Attribute Set to the new Attribute Set

      Let you reset the dimension that is used to value Assets:

Step 1.       Create a new Attribute Set with the user fields in the correct order

Step 2.       Determine which user fields in the existing Attribute Set are to be retained and their new location

Step 3.       Open the Attribute Conversion Wizard by selecting Tools>Wizards>Attribute Set Converter

Step 4.       Select the Attribute Set that the data is configured in currently and then the Attribute Set you wish to configure the data with

Step 5.       The wizard displays all the Asset Types that use the current attribute set.  Select which ones you wish to change from this list

Step 6.       The wizard presents the fields in each Attribute Set.  Select the matching fields and click the ‘Down’ button

Step 7.       The Wizard then displays the Asset Types that change and allows the user to set a new Valuation Dimension

Step 8.       This final form shows you exactly what is going to change when the finish button is clicked

Step 9.       Click the Finish button once satisfied with the validation status displayed by the wizard

****** Warning - Only click the finish button once. Do not double click, as this will seriously mess up your data. ******