
Conquest Web Apps require:

      A Web Server

      A SQL Server for data

      A SQL Server for Reporting (often this is set up on the same SQL Server as for data)

      A file server(s) for storage of documents, icons etc.

It is possible to set up all of the above services on one Server machine but the optimum configuration is separate machines, to optimize:





Things to be aware of:

      Web Config files, support the Conquest Web Apps being used. If customisations are made to them, they will be overwritten by future installation or upgrade of the Web App

      Folders and share names in the paths for Conquest must not include characters that Microsoft has designated to be Special for Windows Operating Systems e.g. & < > (  ) @ ^ |

      If such characters are already entrenched in the network, where Conquest is to be installed, they can be hidden by creating new, appropriately named, Network Shares to the specific folders for Conquest files, then use those Shares in the Conquest Options that require a file path

      Performance will only be as good as the slowest network component allows