Administration Data

The position of items in hierarchies is governed by System Data in the form of a “positional code”. In the case of Assets, the position of Assets in the Asset Hierarchy is governed by System Generated values in the Asset table (tblAsset), of which the most significant is FamilyCode, which can be read to visualise the position of an Asset in the Hierarchy. It is made up of a set of 3 digit numbers delimited with full stops, and read from left to right for the levels. The following example of FamilyCode has five levels: “” and read from right to left, locates the Asset in the hierarchy as the 2nd Asset at the fifth level, a child of the 41st Asset at the fourth, a child of the 3rd Asset at the third, a child of the 1st Asset at the 2nd, a child of the 6th Asset at the 1st level. There can be 999 Assets at any level of the hierarchy. Because Conquest allows groups of Assets to be moved from one place in the hierarchy to another, gaps can exists in the sequence of FamilyCode numbers, until they are filled by the addition of new Assets.

There is some Asset data that doesn’t show in Conquest but may help administrators to perform data analysis and through SQL scripts; these are AddingMethod, AddingUser and AddingDate, Editor and EditDate; used to record; how, who and when an Asset is added to Conquest, and last edited.  The AddingMethod values are as follows:

      0 for unknown or old Assets

      1 for New Assets from Conquest III and Conquest Mobile (Android/iOS)

      2 for imported Assets

      3 for copy-pasted Assets

      4 for Assets that have been added using CMTPC

      5 for Assets resulting from the Split Asset function

      6 for Assets added through the Road Surface Manager (an additional software module available from Conquest Solutions)