

      On the Web Server, the Management Console, latest version

      The Conquest Mobile Web Service version 2.0704, installed or updated from the Management Console

      The Conquest Database version 3.2 and later

      On the client machines, uninstall CMTPC then install the new version with the MSI file from the Conquest Downloads page.

      On the client machines, use the CMTPC Administrator to drop and create the CMTPC database

Functional, Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      The Requests List and New Request functions have been consolidated into the Manage Requests tool, available from the button formerly called Requests. See How To Manage Requests for details

      The Manage Requests tool provides:

      The Request View picklist to select a Request View from:

      The selected Request View becomes the Current View and is remembered in subsequent sessions

      The Refresh button has an icon to indicate whether you can connect to the CMTPC Web Service; Green for OK and Orange/Red for no connection

      The Refresh button can be applied to the Requests View at any time the connection icon is Green. It has no effect on Drafts or Pending Uploads

      Provides the List of Requests for the current Request View

      The New button opens an empty Request Form, for the entry of a new Request:

      There is no longer an Edit Menu - New Request option. It’s in the Manage Requests tool

      The Request Form is more like the one in Conquest III, having the Organisation Unit and the Request Category picklists available

      The Open button launches the Request Form, to edit the selected Request

      Edited and New Requests can be kept as Drafts with the Save button, for later adjustment

      Edited and New Requests can be saved and uploaded with the Save and Send button and, provided that there is connectivity to the Web Service, will update Conquest in real time. If there is no connectivity, the upload will take place later, when there is

      One or more Requests can have their Select Checkbox ticked, to enable the Create Defect Inspection button. When the ensuing Defect Inspection is saved, the Request(s) are related to its Action(s)

      For a Defect Inspection already saved in the current Inspection Program, it can be opened with the View Previous Defect Inspections tool, for another Request(s) to be selected and added to it, with the Save to this Inspection button

      The Requests View selector in the CMTPC Administration Form can be left blank, to switch off the Requests functionality completely