

      The Management Console, latest version

      The Conquest Mobile Web Service version 2.0701, installed from the Management Console. If you have version 2.0700, use the Management Console to Update it

      The Conquest III database version 3.2 and later

Functional, Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      The Administrator Form now checks, when you select the Conquest database, that its version is 3.2, to suit CMTPC 4.0021

      The column length for the Option label shown in System Options has been increased to 512, to match Conquest III

      The ‘Percentage Distribution’ method of calculating Condition, has been included in this release

      New Actions from CMTPC now have ‘Created By’ set to the Windows Username of the logged in User, not the SQL Server login name

      The ‘Completed By’ data for a Completed Action is now the ‘Inspector’ value from Settings, not the Windows Username

      When an Asset Inspection is created, a Defect and Action can be created for it and can now be related to a Request

      The Download function now checks, when you select the Conquest database, that the database version is 3.2, to suit CMTPC 4.0021

      The Upload function was not checking to see that the Upload had not already been performed. It does so now

      For Inspection Programs that are being reused, data is uploaded once only for the Inspection that changes were made in

      When an Action has the ‘Complete’ field ticked, the Defect and Action Forms are closed, when the Completion Form closes

      Actions Completed in CMTPC now Upload as Completed