

      The Management Console, latest version

      The Conquest Mobile Web Service version 2.0700, installed from the Management Console

      The Conquest III database version 3.0.0 and later

Functional, Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      A New CMTPC Administrator Logger Checkbox to turn Logging on

      An Option to Hide the 'Create New Request' task in CMTPC

      Use of default proxy settings when connecting to Conquest Product Service from CMTPC

      Upgrading an existing Local DB to the latest Schema is easier

      Map Functionality previously in Conquest II is now in the CMTPC Administrator

      Action Completion is now Permitted on new and pre-existing Actions

      Individual files (images) can now be attached to Individual Defects in a Defect Inspection

      Set a default Severity from a Standard Defect

      Start date is now set on Uploaded Actions

      New Actions now upload with an initial Organisation Unit history

      The Standard Inspection ‘Inspection Type’ is now remembered for reconfirmation

      The List of Asset Inspections (Standard) is now in descending Inspection Date order

      Display improvements to support Notebooks without touch screens

      When font size is increased and the application is restarted, fields now self-adjust to fit the larger fonts

      A Significant reduction in the time taken to do an Upload

      Improved reliability on Resuming an Upload after a lost connection