3.0211 Build 4941.32679


The changes made in this release of Conquest III require Conquest II V2.58b1, which must be installed first and, if there are scripts required to update from an earlier version of Conquest II, they too, must be run before Conquest III is installed.

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports, Options and Dialogs:

      User Views can now filter and display a Defect’s SeverityID


      Action Costs, Tasks and Resources Delete task is now labeled in context with the item being deleted

      Approval Date is now displayed in the same format as the other dates on the Action form


      Valuation checkboxes are now available, when assigning an Asset Type for the first time after the Asset is saved

      When replacing an Asset, the new Expiry Date is now recorded in transactions

      Valuation Settings can now be changed in the same Edit as an Asset Type change

      The Copy Down Dialog now works correctly


      A selected Severity on the Defect form is now saved

Functional Enhancements:

      Explorer, Editors, Lists, Reports and Dialogs:

      Import Manager

      New functionality for Importing and Updating Actions. Other Data Objects will follow. See How To Manage Bulk Data