3.0102 Build 4477.19377

      Fixed bugs:

      In forms with Documents Tab, adding a new document that was open in another program would fail with a system error. Now a proper message is given “The file you are attaching is currently in use. Please try again.”

      The Conquest III Logger is now off by default, when the application launches

      The Conquest III Logger, now always creates a new log file, when it is turned on

      For new databases the Query Builder no longer gives an error message, when there are no Hierarchies defined

      The Layout of the Docking windows was not working well and nor were the Layout buttons. Docking windows have been simplified so that Combined Docking is no longer a feature. The two Docking windows can be moved from left to right and vice versa. They can be widened or narrowed. They can be made to Slide away, when not in use, showing just a vertical Tab label beside the Information window and, when the Mouse Pointer is hovered over them, they Slide out. The Layout buttons now work properly

      In the Query Builder the field names now change when Attribute/Category changes

      The Query List is now in Alphabetical sequence

      Users with Permissions on Asset Types were not able to use or create Views. They now can

      Improved tolerance to exceptional data

      Better handling of Reporting Services messages

      Fixed a problem in the Exception handler


      In the Filter Editor, the “Today” date value can be edited with a plus or minus value to give a number of days e.g. “TODAY-10”

      “New Action” is now available in the Defect form

      When the “Show Asset Details” checkbox is cleared, a new list is created for every Asset clicked in the Explorer or in a List

      Improved tolerance to exceptional data

      Better handling of Reporting Services messages